This will happen from many different things, most of which are never going to be identified by a driver, and when a truck is brought in for a PM Service, identified by fleet gps monitoring chances are an entry-level tech is performing the service. They will miss the U-joint about to come apart or the rear end low on fluid. With Certified techs and digital assets keep track of your fleet. Your transmission has a much better chance of keeping your gears from coming apart.
Are you near Durham or Morrisville and surrounding areas? Have you had to replace your brake shoes and brake drums every time you get brakes done? That's because they are getting worn down so far that the only option is a total replacement of all components. MAINTENANCE TRACKING is the solution, Currently, poor tracking is costing you 60% more on brake-related repairs alone. When we track it, your drums will last 3 times longer reducing your overall repair costs. That is just one part of a truck. We track over 100 different maintenance based items on every tractor in our program to ensure maximum life of the components and to ensure fast and accurate repairs.
Do I need to mention Low coolant costing a fleet thousands of dollars and time on the side of the road? It happens, it can be prevented and we know how! I am willing to bet, you have had low coolant, and been told it was a DPF problem. Or you thought the truck was in derate when in fact, it was low coolant caused by an EGR issue. We do not just track your maintenance, we educate your drivers, train your management and become a partner within your organization. We make it so you want us with you, we refuse to make it so you need us! Our advanced truck tracking system will change the way you operate in a positive way. That is guranteed.
Are you paying for a GPS system that only gets used after a problem? Or do you forget to update the information when a driver changes trucks? Our Private label GPS and EIDL system only get sold to the fleets that commit to us. Yes, that is right, we do not use samsara or trucker path or any other brand name system that sells you a bunch of features you will never have time to use. We provide a system that we monitor and then provides you with the reports and information you need on a weekly or at the time of the incident in the event an accident occurs or a driver is falling asleep at the wheel. 24/7 our certified data analysts track thousands of trucks using our system. With AI and other resources we are able to identify a problem that then signals one of our operators to the situation and they can immediately review it to determine if the driver needs a call to see if everything is ok, or maybe we have to go straight to management. These situations are designed by you and implemented by us. Our truck tracking system is a no joke fleet changing decision. Stop waisting time and money, start operating with your brain and not your bank account!
2209 Dominion Street, Durham, North Carolina 27704, United States
With Patriot Logistics, Fleet managment we offer 24/7 nationwide breakdown assistance. This means Technicians speaking to Technicians to ensure your best interest comes first. We also manage all of your repair records and maintenance schedule to ensure your truck is staying in the best condition possible. Its no BS! When a truck is properly maintained, a million miles is still possible. Even with the addition of emission systems on new trucks.
Speaking of DPF Systems, Remember, Clean it don't delete it and you will keep that system strong! Speak to us about our on-truck cleaning system today!